In your opinion, how important were the following aspects in motivating you to enroll in a double/joint degree programme?
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
Average values for the questions "In your opinion..."
There are no data for these filters
There are no data for these filters
Better salary prospects
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Better prospects to get the job or jobs I desire
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Access to more job opportunities
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Increasing the opportunities for a career in country other than that of my origin
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Living in a different country during my studies
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Increasing the possibility to live in a different country more or less permanently
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Leaving my comfort zone to improve my ability to work independently
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Interacting with new cultures
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Interest in studying in a specific higher education institution
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Experiencing a different education/academic environment
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Learning a different/new language
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
A specific grant/scholarship being available
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Complementing the academic curriculum
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
To gain deeper insight and knowledge in my study area/field
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Interest in studying a specific programme in an identified field
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters
Obtaining two academic degrees by two different higher education institutions
(1 - Not Important; 5 - Extremely Important)
There are no data for these filters